The objective of the Master Electrician Examination is to test an individual’s knowledge of the laws, rules and regulations governing the installations and repair of electrical equipment and material and the supervision of such work as well as safety and business knowledge. Verify the specific requirements for all Master Electrician License exams in your Province or Territory with your local Safety Authority office.
The Ontario examination is divided into 80 multiple choice questions concerning: Code, Government Acts & Regulations, Safety Standards and Business.
1. The Ontario Electrical Safety Code (33%) – All sections of the Ontario Electrical Safety Code and ability of the applicant to properly use the Code as a Reference Book
2. Worker Safety (33%) – Internal Responsibility System , Recognizing Hazards, Occupational Health and Safety Requirements, The Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations for Construction and Industrial Projects, the Workplace Safety and
Insurance Act 1997, WHMIS
3. Business Administration (33%) – Consumer Protection, Employer Responsibilities, Business Management, Bill C45, Consumer Protection Act and the Construction Lien Act, Human Rights Code, Labour Relations Act 1995, as they relate to electrical contracting.
The Master Electrician Examination is open book; therefore each applicant is permitted to bring to use during the examination: a calculator, the Ontario Electrical Safety Code, the Occupational Health and Safety Act & Regulations (Green Book), and all other relevant legislation. It consists of 80 multiple choice questions and is 3 hours in length. The pass mark for the examination is 70%, or 56 correct answers.